Having escaped the rain on the morning walk in the castle grounds, I risked a walk down to the shore this afternoon in similar threatening conditions. Big mistake. I got somewhat wet on the way back. But not before I had taken a few photos. These are Water Forget-me-nots (Myosotis scorpioides) on the croft.
And a lot more Yellow Flag (Iris pseudacorus) are slowly unfurling.
I think this is Sea Plantain (Plantago maritima) not quite in flower yet.
And a Lousewort. As if the English name of Lousewort were not enough this little flower is saddled with the lengthy scientific name of Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum.
The tide was still going out - and a big black cloud was rolling in.
I'm not sure what lichen this is - perhaps I shall be able to identify it when I get home. Perhaps....
The pebbles and rocks on the shore provide a never-ending source of pleasure. I could, and sometimes, do, spend hours just picking through pebbles on a beach, listening to the waves and the seabirds in the background.
Common Limpets (Patella vulgaris) reach up to 60mm long and those found on the higher shore, like these, are steeply conical. Juveniles and the ones on the lower shore are flatter.
The familiar Common Mussel (Mytilus edulis).
A Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) was wandering quickly up and down the shore, leaving its footprints in the sand. It occurred to me that I may never have seen a Ringed Plover until this holiday. I have seen Little Ringed Plovers before but until I can check my list at home I'm not certain whether I have seen a Ringed Plover before or not.
At dusk another fantastic sky.....
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