This morning the angle of the early morning light showed clearly the way the crofts of Lower Bayble run down towards the sea from the houses which are all built at the landward end of the croft.
We watched a drama take place this morning as a Hooded Crow stood atop a chimney pot and contemplated getting at the Starling chicks inside. The Starling Mum or Dad squawked from the rooftop - without dropping its worms in the process - and the Hoodie eventually gave up; presumably deciding that the chicks were too far down to be reached.
After GB had done his morning jobs we went into Stornoway for coffee and shopping. Coffee was at An Lanntair today and we watched the French stern trawler Mariette le Roch II manoeuvring as we did the crossword. There was also a big cruise liner in alongside the pier but I couldn’t see its name.
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