This afternoon we worked in the garden with me dabbling at weeding while GB laid cable for the waterfall, put up an anemometer and wind direction indicator before cleaning some of the algae out of the pond where it was strangling the Hornwort.
After dinner I walked down the croft to the shore. What was intended to be a brief stroll ended up being a major photographic expedition. On my way down the croft I disturbed a couple of moths both of which were quite happy to be picked up and to sit on my hand. Much to my surprise and to some extent annoyance I have been unable to identify them. They are obviously Geometers and appear to be carpet moths of some sort but which one is beyond me. I think they may be a species I haven’t seen before; either that or a Hebridean form of th Galium Carpet.
Down on the beach I photographed wracks on the middle shore.
There are lots of Beadlet Sea Anemones and despite the fact that I have lots of (and better) photos of them from the Lleyn I could not resist taking a photo or two.
On the cliff face are Primroses, Thrift, and various other flowers.
There was also this moss which, yet again, I could not identify without my library.
Oystercatchers, a Ringed Plover and a small flock of Dunlin were all on the rocks between the little beach and the main beach. I parked myself on a rock (despite the barnacles sticking into my rear end) and clicked away until I was satisfied I had as good a set of pictures as I could obtain at that distance.
Back on the croft I came across a Garden Tiger caterpillar.
The sun set over Lower Bayble and I decided it was time to head back ‘home’.
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