Last night we had a yellow sky at night. Unlike a red sky it seems not to have boded well. Despite an intermittently sunny start to the day it clouded over and by lunchtime the rain had come in. This is the first rain we’ve had her since I arrived on 8th May and even before that the weather had been good.
We went into Stornoway and I watched a canoeist (or kayakist ? I don’t know much about these little boat things!) enter the harbour. He travelled right through a crowd of Razorbills, seals and gulls without disturbing them.
We called in at the cemetery at Sandwick on the way home and I photographed a few gravestones. The earliest appear to be around the turn of the 20th century such as this one to Colin McIver, Master Mariner, who died in 1914 aged 63. (N.B. McIver is pronounced McEever not McIver on the island.)
None of the others is quite as grand or elaborate as Colin McIver’s but there are a few large Celtic Crosses.
There are also a number of stones that are similar - all being erected to the memory of some of islanders who died in the second world war.
This urn is on the grave of a cooper - shouldn’t he have had a barrel?
The cemetery has a lovely view out over the bay. Seems a bit wasted on the current occupants really… While I was there the Ferry from Ullapool - MV Isle of Lewis - came into the harbour.
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